January 17, 2018

Is it Me or a Metabolism Problem?

by Twin Cities Metabolism in Metabolic Damage, Metabolism Disorders

“Oh, I’ve just always been tired during the workday.”

“You know me, I’m always cold.”

“I’ve never had much of an appetite, yet I still can’t lose weight.”

Are you one to make definitive statements like these about yourself? When you’re always feeling a certain way, it’s easy to think, “Well, that’s just me.” But is it really you—or could it be something deeper?

The truth is, you don’t necessarily have to go through life feeling fatigued, shivering, or battling the bulge. You don’t have to accept that you’re never hungry, and you shouldn’t have to wonder why your weight is going up. Many of the symptoms you’re experiencing, especially if you’re struggling with weight loss, can stem from a metabolism problem. Fortunately, there are tangible signs to look out for.

Yellow road signs that read Help

Keep an eye out for signs and symptoms of a metabolism disorder.

8 Signs You May Have a Metabolism Problem

#1. Weight gain or loss
If you can’t remember a time when you weren’t on a diet or you can’t gain a pound no matter how much food you pack in, your metabolism may be to blame. The stress that an underlying metabolism disorder places on your body eventually causes your metabolism to shut down. Once that happens, normal hormone activity suffers, weight loss and gain become difficult, and other symptoms ensue.

#2.  Fatigue
Your body is like a car—it needs fuel to operate. If you have a metabolism disorder, you may have a lot of stored fat (aka fuel), and if your body isn’t using that fat for energy, you’ll go nowhere fast.

#3. Feeling cold
If you can’t go anywhere without bringing a sweater or you sleep with a space heater and two comforters year-round, you may have to check in with your metabolism. Metabolic adaptation can push your adrenal glands to their limit, creating a stress response that downregulates your hormones, and drops your tolerance for cold temps.

#4. Loss of sex drive/interest
Who would think metabolism could affect whether you’re “in the mood?” Unfortunately, when sex hormone output is low and you’re under 40, metabolic adaptation is usually in full swing.

Man lying down on the gym floor tired

If you can barely make it through a workout, your metabolism may be to blame.

#5. Low stamina
You start the workday bright-eyed and bushy-tailed but need tape to keep your eyes open by lunch. Or you start your exercise workout like a beast, but eventually pick up lighter weights because you burn out too quickly. If this sounds like you, a metabolism disorder may be affecting how your body burns calories for energy.

#6. Lack of hunger
You just slept for nine hours. You should be ravenous when you wake up, right? If you have a slow metabolism, you may be able to go even longer without feeling hungry. If you’re alert and awake, you shouldn’t go longer than four hours without eating something. If you can, it’s a sure sign that your metabolism is slow. (And if you’re eating less and still not losing weight, that’s just another sign!)

#7. GI issues
Dealing with constipation, loose stools, and food sensitivity? Metabolism problems can start in the gut with gastrointestinal issues like leaky gut syndrome or microbe problems, and often lead to food intolerance as time goes on.

#8. 100% effort, zero progress
You’re sticking to your exercise and nutritional plan with absolute precision. You’re measuring your body fat and muscle mass consistently. You’re doing everything right, but your body fat is going up and/or your muscle mass is going down. A metabolism disorder may be sabotaging you.

“Yep, that sounds exactly like me!”

If you relate to any of the above signs, it may be time to visit a metabolism doctor to see what’s going on. With thorough testing, a diagnosis, and treatment, you may be able to start eating that ice cream you gave up because it made you gassy or power through that hour-long boot camp class like you used to.

Ready to take charge of your metabolism? We’re ready to help. Get in touch.

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