November 3, 2017

Put Your Adrenal Fatigue to Bed

by Twin Cities Metabolism in Adrenal Function

When you’re tired but can’t sleep, you pop a pill.

But what do you do when your adrenal glands aren’t at their peak—when exhaustion, brain fog, and illness persist? Is there a magic tablet to take? A simple solution to swallow? Believe it or not, there is, but it’s only a short-term fix to a potentially long-term problem.

The stress of metabolic adaptation, chemical exposure, food allergies, and hormonal imbalance can overwork your adrenal glands, and many people are quick to take adrenal adaptogens for this fatigue. Similar to whipping a horse for a burst of speed, these herbs will certainly boost function in the short term, but what happens when you stop taking them? You’re back to square one—sick and tired.

How to Boost Adrenal Function Naturally

If an eyelash is stuck in your eye, you don’t use eye drops or take aspirin for the irritation. You remove the offending eyelash. The same goes for adrenal fatigue. You must remove the aggravating factors to improve your glands’ overall function. Because the longer you continue making poor lifestyle choices, the more your body struggles to recuperate from physical and emotional stress.

The causes of adrenal fatigue vary, but taking small steps can hugely benefit how your glands function. Here are three ways to do just that.

1. Improve your diet

Adrenal recovery and a healthy diet go hand in hand. Start by removing foods and ingredients that tax your adrenals, such as:

  • Caffeine: Can lead to sleeplessness, causing adrenal wear and tear
  • Carbohydrates: Increase blood sugar levels and inflammation as the adrenals are forced to release more cortisol
  • Hydrogenated oils: Vegetable oils are highly inflammatory, leading to adrenal inflammation
  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners: Overconsumption causes a rapid rise and fall in blood sugar levels, and forces the adrenals to release cortisol to bring your blood sugar levels back up

Next, introduce foods that are high in fat and low in sugar, and packed with nutrients and fiber, including:

Carrots, tomatoes, kale nuts, strawberries

A healthy diet can improve adrenal function. (Photo: Pexels)

  • Avocado
  • Bone broth
  • Coconut & Coconut oil
  • Cruciferous veggies
  • Fish
  • Ginseng
  • Kelp and seaweed
  • Nuts
  • Olives
  • Sea salt
  • Seeds


2. Exercise…but not too much

Physical activity is great for the mind and body, but overdoing it and cause your adrenals to underperform. Over-exercising can create an inflammatory buildup in the body, leading to water retention. Next thing you know, you’re stuck at the same weight for months, looking a lot puffier than you remembered.

Woman lifting a barbell

Over-exercising can push your adrenal glands to the limit. (Photo by Isabella Mendes via Pexels)

If you’re wondering if you’re overtraining, consider taking advantage of the revolutionary InBody technology available at Twin Cities Metabolism, which measures fluid retention, the first sign of overtraining (more on that in an upcoming blog post!).

3. Avoid chemicals and toxins

In our busy world of instant gratification and convenience, it’s difficult to completely avoid chemical stressors—but you can limit exposure. At home, choose fresh foods over microwaveable, ultra-processed meals with preservatives and fillers. Stop loading up on over-processed red meats that are high in hormones and lacking nutrition. Choose grass-fed beef, and free-range turkey or chicken instead, and consume them in moderation.

Test and Address Adrenal Fatigue

If you suspect your adrenals are being pushed beyond their limit, a quick saliva and/or blood test for cortisol and DHEA can provide a diagnosis. But to get to the cause—the previously mysterious root of your adrenal fatigue—you’re going to need additional testing. Fortunately, Twin Cities Metabolism has seen it all, and we know what to look for.

Ready to take charge of your adrenal fatigue once and for all? We’re ready to guide you. Get in touch.

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