August 1, 2017

How to Boost Your Low Thyroid Naturally

by Twin Cities Metabolism in Thyroid Health

Did you know that thyroid hormone medications are the second top-selling category of pharmaceutical drugs in the U.S. today? Or that there are at least seven causes of low thyroid, of which only two are responsive to those medications? It’s no wonder so many people continue suffering with thyroid-related symptoms even while taking their prescribed pills.

The conventional approach is to simply replace these hormones with either synthetic or bio-identical forms. On the surface, it seems logical. Don’t have enough hormones? Take more hormones. Problem solved, right? Not so much.

Taking replacement thyroid hormones without addressing the underlying cause of the disorder is doomed to fail. It’s like taking ibuprofen because you have a stone stuck in your shoe. Sure, it may ease the discomfort for a while, but wouldn’t you be better off shaking the stone loose first?

Let’s Put the Shoe on the Other Foot

It’s time to stop treating the symptom and start addressing the cause. In an earlier blog post, we introduced you to patient Jane, a young woman who struggled most of her life with weight-loss resistance, exhaustion, and low libido. Her conventional doctors ran just one thyroid test over the years, and focused instead on her high blood pressure and obesity. What they missed was that she had low T3 syndrome, among other diagnosable problems.

So, did Jane require thyroid replacement hormones to “cure” her thyroid dysfunction? Not a chance. Instead, her metabolism doctor started her on an elimination/rotation diet to identify food sensitivities, a carbohydrate-cycled diet to increase metabolism over time, and a supplement regimen that assisted with normal hormonal health. She was able to boost her low thyroid function naturally – and chances are, you can, too.

Take Five

Before you make any rash changes with diet, exercise, or medication, take some time to consider your options. You too can boost your low thyroid naturally in just five simple steps.

  1. Test/Diagnose. In addition to seeking advice from your conventional medical doctor, consider consulting a metabolism doctor who will test thoroughly for thyroid diseases and prominent causes for your sluggish thyroid.
  2. Plan. Once you have a concrete diagnosis, your metabolism doctor will help you develop a systematic plan to eliminate anything suppressing your thyroid function.
  3. Optimize. Focus on boosting the function of surrounding organ systems that may be suppressing your thyroid function through their own dysfunction. (i.e. Optimizing the GI tract, adrenals, thyroid, and sex hormones to work together for optimal function.)
  4. Support. Eating less and/or cutting carbs can create low thyroid function and halt fat loss. You can support your efforts from a nutritional standpoint by avoiding food allergens and eating the right amount of dietary fats, as advised by your metabolism doctor.
  5. Re-test. If you’re like patient Jane, your thyroid function should pick up within 90 days, as confirmed by re-testing. If not, your thyroid dysfunction may be more severe and respond to a prescribed medication to assist your new healthy lifestyle.

A thyroid disorder is not a disability if diagnosed and treated correctly. The fastest and easiest way to get all your thyroid tests completed, analyzed, and treated by a professional is to start today. Don’t hesitate – get the tools you need to overcome your thyroid disorder naturally, and get your life back once and for all.  

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