January 26, 2018

You’ve Entered the Medical Black Hole

by Twin Cities Metabolism in Uncategorized

You’re traveling through another dimension—a dimension not only of mind and body, but of medicine. A journey into a frustrating land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead—your next stop…no, not the Twilight Zone—the Medical Black Hole.

This place, somewhere between being healthy and having a serious health issue, sucks in many of us. The reason? We use conventional medicine in a way for which it was never intended. It’s wise to head to your general doctor, hospital, or clinic when you break your arm, suspect disease, or need life-saving surgery. But plan a visit just to achieve or maintain optimal health, and you’re usually not going to get much out of it.

Doctors Fix Things

Conventional medial doctors are acutely skilled to fix you when you’re completely broken. But you’re not broken. You know you’re definitely not healthy, but you can’t explain your symptoms (and neither can your doctor). While some whole-person health may sneak into your doctor’s prescription (i.e. “Here, take some vitamins to help with your fatigue.”), it’s likely that he or she doesn’t have the necessary training to diagnose exactly what’s causing you to fall asleep at your desk even though you slept like a baby in bed last night. So, you follow your doctor’s orders, see no improvement, and remain in the land of frustration—the Medical Black Hole.

Find a Way Out

When you’re not functioning at optimal health, you slowly start to break down. You gain weight, feel moody, or develop food sensitivities—but you don’t break completely. Sure, we all know that friend of a friend who dropped dead of a heart attack, but warning signs were there before it happened. They just weren’t identified. This is why you need more than conventional medicine in your life. It’s wonderful when you need it, but it can’t be there with the thorough testing and diagnoses for conditions that lurk beneath the surface.

Because that dry skin you developed in your 30s? Maybe that’s a hormone imbalance and not PH balance. That fatigue that deflates your afternoons? Could be a metabolism disorder and not that you missed out on the office’s coffee order. If you feel like you’re being sucked into the Medical Black Hole, Twin Cities Metabolism can help you get grounded again.

Ready to take charge of your health? We’re ready to help. Get in touch.


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