July 30, 2017

The Lowdown on Thyroid Slowdown

by Twin Cities Metabolism in Thyroid Health

Were you recently diagnosed with a thyroid disorder? Believe it or not, you’re lucky. Up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition, yet keenly aware of their unexplained symptoms. As discussed in our last blog post, insurance companies don’t cover every test, meaning many people just learn to live with the fatigue, weight gain, and brain fog that plagues them. No diagnosis. No cause. No treatment.

So, congratulations! You have a diagnosis and are on your way to repairing your thyroid. But do you know the cause? The verdict may still be out on that. We covered some conditions and diseases that can slow down your thyroid function, but there are plenty of indirect instigators that can make a bad thing worse.

It Might Not Be Your Thyroid’s Fault

If your thyroid is sluggish, you can’t assume it has itself entirely to blame. There may be other underlying forces at work, making it harder for your thyroid to do its job.

Sex Hormones and Cortisol Levels

Are you an over-exerciser or under-eater? That puts a lot of stress on the body. And when stress is out of control, your body will steal valuable resources to make stress hormones (including cortisol) instead of healthy thyroid and sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone).

Gastrointestinal Issues and Leaky Gut

Got poor gut health? That can trigger inflammation, which can cause the cells lining the intestines to leak (known as Leaky Gut Syndrome). The abnormally large spaces between the cells of the gut wall allow bacteria, fungi, parasites, undigested protein, fat, and toxic waste to enter the bloodstream. This impairs normal nutrient absorption, can lead to autoimmune reactions, and, you guessed it, lead to thyroid problems.

Bacterial Infections

Many people suffering from low thyroid don’t produce enough stomach acid, which is necessary for proper digestion and the elimination of bacteria from food. The limited stomach acid can result in bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. In fact, one study found that 54 percent of hypothyroidism patients had bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.

The Threat of An Untreated Thyroid Condition

While it’s great to have a diagnosis, if you don’t treat your thyroid disorder, it will wreak havoc on all other bodily systems and your metabolism as a whole. Consider the thyroid your body’s thermostat, regulating your hunger levels, sex drive, mood, weight, and energy. When the thermostat breaks, you can’t control the system. You’ll be hungry, depressed, tired, and puffy with a decreased libido.

But treatment doesn’t always include medication. After all, there are at least seven causes of low thyroid, and only two are responsive to medication. Look for our next blog on how you can boost your low thyroid naturally and optimize your thyroid function for good. 

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